I live in the UK and we where treated to the beautiful sceptical of a solar Eclipse today. And it was a belter wasn’t it? Viewed by Millions. An eclipse is a truly awesome experience and it’s only by a quirk of the solar systems architecture that we have such spectacular eclipses on this planet. The moon is 400 times smaller than the sun but it is also 400 times closer to earth so when the moon moves over the sun we get treated such a beatufull sceen. But of corse the moon is drifting away at about 4cm per year so in a few million years we will not get such perfect Eclipse’s.
Todays eclipse ranged between
83% and 98% of totality The Faroe Islands and Svalbard
in the Arctic Circle were the only places to experience a total eclipse.
For a perfect total solar eclipse to occur, a moon must appear to be
exactly the same size in the sky as the Sun. On every other planet in the Solar
System the moons are the wrong size and the wrong distance from the Sun to
create the perfect perspective of a total solar eclipse. However, here on Earth
the heavens have arranged themselves in perfect order.
anyhow, here are some photo's that I gleaned from the internet, and I will see you all next time there's one here in the UK, August 2026.
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