Tuesday, 24 March 2015

NEWS: Curiosity finds nitrates on Mars

The Curiosity rover takes a selfie.
NASA’s Curiosity rover is still finding clues that could point to the red planet once have been sustaining life it was revealed today.  Nitrates, key to sustaining life on Earth, have been discovered in the Martian soil these could be an indication that the planet once harboured life.

Nitrogen is a prime ingredient of life here on earth so the discovery of it in the Martian rocks makes it more plausible that there was once some forms of life on the red planet. As with the discovery of methane in December 2014 it doesn’t mean that there is life, but it shows that there could have been life during the planets heyday. If nitrogen exists it would have been possible to form the component parts of life like amino acids and DNA

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) a lab on board the rover found the compounds containing nitrogen in the sediment that it scooped and drilled from the surface.

“Discovery of indigenous Martian nitrogen in Mars surface materials has important implications for habitability and, specifically, for the potential evolution of a nitrogen cycle (the process where nitrogen is changed between its different forms RBD) at some point in Martian history,” the authors of a new paper describing the findings write 

“We’re going to try to understand whether this process is still happening today at all or whether this all happened in the past in a different Mars, in a different climate regime, in a different atmosphere.” Jennifer Stern, a NASA geochemist, told the LA Times "People want to follow the carbon, but in many ways nitrogen is just as important a nutrient for life Life runs on nitrogen as much as it runs on carbon."

The nitrate could have arrived on the planet via lightning from a volcanic plume or by an asteroid impact causeing thermal shock rather than by life itself having created it.

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